
Goodbye Scrabble, Hello Dazzle!

Hi all - but mainly Irene.
This is really just a long overdue update to tell y'all where I'm AT these days.

Firstly, partly as a new set of allowable words were introduced on 1st Jan, and I'm lazy - I guess I"ve completely retired from Scrabble in any form.

Also at Christmas I retired - from "work"! It had been down to just 2 days a week, but now I've cut the ties completely - and LOVING 7-day weekends, to say nothing of not having to schedule waking up on Monday mornings.

As for internet - I no longer voice or cam with anyone except occasional contacts still with Vicki (who I plan visiting again for 6 weeks mid-year sometime). Apart from watching much live sport online here (e.g. A-League soccer, English Premier League, NRL rugby league, snooker, anything that's going) I spend most of my online time enjoying games and (text only) general chat and banter with the other pleasant folk - at DazzlerWeb .

Sorry I no longer keep in touch with "the old gang", but I guess times change - we all move on.

All welcome at Dazzler if you're looking for stimulating competition, at your own pace - plus being part of a community (albeit text only ;) )


Eagle Kiwi said...


Robin Patterson said...

Retirement is indeed fun, bro.

Any time you want to spend a few hours with nobody else, have a glance at http://imperialism.wikia.com - an addictive blend of Civilization, Colonization, Diplomacy, and Railroad Tycoon.

Katie Alice said...

Hey Ian! Great to see you! You will barely remember me, lol! I'm off to Christchurch on Saturday 18th Feb, (this coming Sat.) Traveling down by bus and ferry, staying in Wellington and Picton on the way. Flying home the following Saturday. Tabitha is going to her Aunty Julie at the cattery. When I come back I'm doing Relay for Life. I have been chosen to cut the Survivor's Cake, which tickles me pink!
Then I am possibly off to a retreat, maybe even Hawaii for some healing, but not sure about that one right now. Living between my mother's and my flat. I have no landline or internet at my own place.
Good to hear what you're up to. Do you remember Marion in Blenheim? She died of bowel cancer complications, (after op I think), on Mothers Day 2010, if I recall correctly. I didn't find out until the following Christmas. Had been lazy with my contact and no one knew how to get hold of me. Was a shock.
Ah well, say hi to Vicki for me! Take care down there!