Expected: 7.3 wins, Actual: 6 wins. _ Rating change: 16xx to 16xx
Opponent | (my) | # | W/L | My Score | Opp. Score | Diff. | My Bonuses | His/Her Bonuses |
Cicely B | ?? | 1 | W | 396 | 341 | +55 | JASMINE PAINTER | - |
Lynn W | ??sss | .2 | W | 383 | 320 | +63 | ENTRUST LOITERS | - |
Karyn McD | ?ssss | ..3 | L | 372 | 538 | -234 | JOHNNIE SMARTEN | CARDIES BEERIER |
Peter S | ?s | ...4 | L | 304 | 511 | -207 | DEFIANT | SERPENTS AERATION OVERLET |
Val M | ?s | ....5 | L | 294 | 459 | -165 | standin(bogus!) | STONIER FAVORITE |
Cicely | ss | 6 | L | 268 | 543 | -275 | DENTALS | TENTERS GLAIRED |
Lynn | ??s | .7 | W | 348 | 333 | +15 | INERTIAS | FANCIERS |
Karyn | s | ..8 | L | 373 | 485 | -112 | TIARAED | HINGERS OUTHUNTS RELINED |
Peter | ??s | ...9 | L | 372 | 421 | -49 | CREATION DINNERS | PARTIES |
Val | ?ss | ....10 | L | 345 | 451 | -106 | PRETTIER AGILEST | SHOALED |
Cicely | sss | 11 | W | 392 | 356 | +36 | BIASSES | REEDING SUETIER |
Lynn | ?ss | .12 | L | 363 | 442 | -79 | DOMAINS | SHELTER |
Karyn | ??ssss! | ..13 | W | 466 | 299 | +167 | UNPAIRED SEALING IMARETS | - |
Peter | ?s | ...14 | L | 390 | 496 | -106 | BEATING CLARINET | TURIONS DOTIEST |
Val | ?ss | ....15 | W | 392 | 370 | +22 | DILUTEES | GRINNERS |
(Blog: in progress - more to come....)
Dunedin * 12-13 Nov, 2011 | ||||||||
. | NAME | CLUB | WINS | Spread | AVE | Bonuses | New NZ Rating | Rating Change |
1 | PETER Sinton | DUN | 12 | 1229 | 448 | 28 | ||
2 | KARYN McD | DUN | 8 | -418 | 378 | 16 | ||
3 | VAL Mills | AKL | 7 | 252 | 392 | 19 | ||
4 | LYNN Wood | WGTN | 7 | -50 | 293 | 20 | ||
5 | IAN Patterson | DUN | 6 | -907 | 364 | 23 | ||
6 | CICELY Bruce | WHANG | 5 | -106 | 392 | 21 |
WARNING: Updating this page is still IN PROGRESS! . . . Ian - Wed 16/11/11
Game 1
A delight to have three visitors from the northernmost club in the country to visit our tournament - the southernmost (probably in the WORLD!?!)
Cicely was an unknown quantity, but she was bottom seed - we'll see!
I swapped 7 three times in the first 7 moves, but she wasn't scoring rapidly so when my bonus finally DID come I still got to a small lead. Then neck and neck till my AEIJMS? went down, hooking the blank (as N) in front of OUT - the only place. I didn't know NOUT, but it sounded possible, and fortunately (for me) her challenge failed.
Game 2
Lynn Wood (Wellington)
My 2 early bonuses meant she never got a look in (despite her nice MZEE for 45!)
Game 3
KARYN McDougall (Dunedin)
My first rack EHJNNO? had plenty of promise - I found the only bonus in there, which I by no means 'knew', but I thought worth a go. At first glance it seemed it couldn't fit down the side of her opening WETA, but then I realised this board had slightly smaller squares than the usual. They still accepted the same tiles, but I guess I've subconsciously learned the physical actual LENGTH of a 7-tile word, and this was suddenly different. Down went bonus, survived the challenge, but she immediately got one herself, followed by EX for 53, and I was playing catchup. Later I'd finally accumulated SMARTEN which got me within 40, but her instant response was a most unlikely BEERIER - not because of that word, but it FITTED on the only bonus place, needing FIVE overlaps. Durn lucky! GRRR. LOL
Game 3
My first rack EHJNNO? had plenty of promise - I found the only bonus in there, which I by no means 'knew', but I thought worth a go. At first glance it seemed it couldn't fit down the side of her opening WETA, but then I realised this board had slightly smaller squares than the usual. They still accepted the same tiles, but I guess I've subconsciously learned the physical actual LENGTH of a 7-tile word, and this was suddenly different. Down went bonus, survived the challenge, but she immediately got one herself, followed by EX for 53, and I was playing catchup. Later I'd finally accumulated SMARTEN which got me within 40, but her instant response was a most unlikely BEERIER - not because of that word, but it FITTED on the only bonus place, needing FIVE overlaps. Durn lucky! GRRR. LOL
Game 4
PETER Sinton (Dunedin)
Argghhhh. His 3 bonuses in the first 7 turns left me history.
Game 4
VAL Mills (Pakuranga Club, Auckland)
Val is the relatively new NZASP President, making her first visit to a Dunedin event, where she was welcomed with pleasure.
Val is the relatively new NZASP President, making her first visit to a Dunedin event, where she was welcomed with pleasure.
I challenged off her 'enfuels' early, then on Turn 6 she played FENCE for 20, just one off the TWS line. I had ADINNT?, and didn't know D(E)NTINAl, consider maybe (FENCE)D/ADIT for 30, but then noticed sTANDIN. Hmmm, should be ok, so played it, for 84. Val flinched briefly, but accepted it. A couple of turns on she played DICKS onto the end of it, and I kinda joked to her that I'd love to challenge her (STANDIN)S off.
Only a joke, till later we both found STANDIN *IS* junk! In fact I could/should have played (FENCED)/DANTINg - but hey, I've never heard of danting, or even DANT!
Game 6
After 7 turns I'd had 3 big swaps and 4 small plays, to trail by 43-192 (and she'd scored nothing over 40). It never got much better! 
Game 7
L y n n
h o Her early FANCIERS gave her a fair lead during most of the game, as I went fishing with AEIRS - a surplus AI was dumped, then 2 U's quickly back into the bag, then out pooped TWO Blanks!! The famine, then the feast!? LOL So I(N)ERtiAS got me almost level, and fortunately her tiles dried up there so I managed to sneak a win.
h o Her early FANCIERS gave her a fair lead during most of the game, as I went fishing with AEIRS - a surplus AI was dumped, then 2 U's quickly back into the bag, then out pooped TWO Blanks!! The famine, then the feast!? LOL So I(N)ERtiAS got me almost level, and fortunately her tiles dried up there so I managed to sneak a win.
Game 8
K a r y n
3 S's, both blanks, 3 bonuses. How could *I* compete with that ? A loss. (But - aha - check out Game 13!!)
3 S's, both blanks, 3 bonuses. How could *I* compete with that ? A loss. (But - aha - check out Game 13!!)
Game 9
A fascinating tussle. Peter swapped tiles only 4 times during the tournament, and ALL in his first 7 turns here. Meanwhile I swapped 4 times too - as we'd made a prickly staircase which allowed a bonus ending with S, but not much else (and both of us loath to needlessly make any serious 'opening'). I had a blank, he had an S. I got to AEINOR? (if S, then it's 4th letter, not last) but then he played PARTIES. Sadly I missed AtRO(P)INE, AER(A)tION, ANORExI(A), AIRbO(R)NE, ANTE(R)IOr, and a few others, so settled for cREA(T)ION for a lowly 61. He then sailed ahead, and my late DiNNERS was truly only for consolation.
Game 10
V a l
Her SHOALED (yes, survived my challenge) late on gave her a 338-250 lead, but I sat with AEGILST. AGILEST was playable for 68, but leaving a large TWS on. Instead I opted for a 'safe' 65 with GLAI(K)ETS, that I thought might even earn me 5 extra points. Well, the first part of the plan worked - she challenged! I was somewhat surprised to find it not there, as I thought I knew GLAIKET. Turns out it's an adjective, meaning foolish. Oh well, NEXT turn down went AGILEST, to which she responded by TAXI for 52 (I SAID it left on a big TWS!)
Her SHOALED (yes, survived my challenge) late on gave her a 338-250 lead, but I sat with AEGILST. AGILEST was playable for 68, but leaving a large TWS on. Instead I opted for a 'safe' 65 with GLAI(K)ETS, that I thought might even earn me 5 extra points. Well, the first part of the plan worked - she challenged! I was somewhat surprised to find it not there, as I thought I knew GLAIKET. Turns out it's an adjective, meaning foolish. Oh well, NEXT turn down went AGILEST, to which she responded by TAXI for 52 (I SAID it left on a big TWS!)
Later turns out I should have known the other forms - AIGLETS would have been better (but still not WON by any means).
Game 11
C i c e l y
My 2nd rack: ABEISSS! There was no free T for BASSIEST, and I didn't know it also makes 8's with C(2), N, O, or R. Anyway, I was considering a SIS, an ASS (maybe a BASS?) when I noticed it DOES make a 7 (phew!) so down it went for 82. Despite 2 bonuses later, Cicely never recovered.
Game 12
L y n n
I began with AEIJNPS. JIN or JAP for 20 or 28 would leave a promising rack, but I chose to 'invest' my S early, with JEANS for 40. Lynn's first 3 turns then were QUARK(48), JOLTING(30), and sHELTER(86). As I then struggled I sank ever deeper, to eventually 209-321 (but a promising ADINOO? on board). Only one (very cheap) bonus spot on - and sadly I couldn't see / didn't know the one bonus I had there, so I made an OH into OHO one off the TWS line. Lynn chose to block the other spot, and bingo! I drew an M and whistled down onto (OHO)S. It survived her challenge, and I was basically level, but then a nasty EX for 59 sealed my fate.
Game 13
K a r y n
I got (U)NPAIRED first up (I could have played the only '7' in that lot, but chose not to as this scored better), then as she'd almost caught up again I got SEALInG, THEN drew 2 more S's! SEALING was one off the bottom line - I didn't know if it took an S, but I didn't want to find out the hard way, so I played a cheeky SODA alng the bottom there (stopping one short of the TWS!). She didn't challenge (SEALINGS IS ok) but next turn worked a treat YEAS onto (SODA)S yielded 51.
I soon got my 4th S, and IMARETS went onto the last bonus/S spot, then the last 5 tiles I drew included the 2nd blank - a clean sweep in that department! Poor Karen .... but hey, serves her right! (refer games 3 and 8
Game 14
P e t e r
Hooray - THIS game was "open"! By turn 9 he was a bonus ahead, and I had AEEINRT. Neither TRAINEE or RETINAE would play, the OTHER option would have, but I couldn't think of it. IF I had I'd have almost caught up, but dumping an E (for another hook) was too slow, AND allowed Peter to grab 75 for a simple Z(O)IC onto a TWS. My (C)LARINET off that left me then STILL a bonus back, and so it stayed.
So - Peter's scored 3/3 against me this week. GRRRRRRR.
Game 15
V a l
Last chance saloon here - Peter's blitzed me, if I lose here so will Val have.
Turn 5 I had DEELSTU, which in fact makes one 7, but I didn't remember it. I was pleased though to string those 7 thru an I (and win a challenge) but then she drew level with her own bonus.
Now earlier she'd played a slightly odd(!?) NULL for 8, just one off the TWS line. I figured it would take an S, but I've long (mistakenly) thought 'nullo' was a word. ZORI/(NULL)O was 44, but only till she challenged it! :-( Maybe NOW I'll learn that nullo is bogus. (Actually we found later that NULL also takes an A. DOH!)
Anyway, tense until the last racks - she'd had to use her last S to keep pace with me, and now I had the last blank. WIsE/(YEST)s was 42 for a 31-point lead, and I could go out next turn for 9 in 2 places.
After much consideration of the options Val "had to" challenge YESTS or lose - sadly (for HER) she then lost anyway.
more to come in a day or two......... or 3....
1 comment:
Hey there! Loooonnnngggg time, no speak! Looks like you are having loads of fun with your scrabble. It is a good game. I play Literati on Yahoo! which is similar, as you probably know already.
I've been in hospital for about two months, all-up. I collapsed with severe stomach pain and vomiting/daihorea, then ended up in hospital a week later, after several visits to A&E and my first ride in an ambulance. They put me thru the CT scanner and found an enormous growth on my left ovary. They sent me to Wellington for a radical hysterectomy and when they went to remove the growth my bowel collapsed underneath. In a nutshell, I have two separate cancers - ovarian and bowel. I've had three major surgeries and my appendix out on my request. I developed a fistula so I had to be opened up and healed from the inside on a vac draining machine for weeks. Had a complete mental and physical breakdown but I am doing good now. On oral chemotherapy. Got every complication going, including pneumonia and had a chest drain - the most EXCRUCIATING experience!!!
Staying with my mother but still have my flat and Tabitha who I visit most days. Been to Tauranga for a week and planning other trips for the New Year. Yes, I have Stage 4, Secondary cancer but I am not gonna lie down and die just to prove the medical proffession right, lol! Hopefully will catch up with your shenanigans soon. Do you use any chat programmes these days? I really only use Facebook for social networking. Haven't seen you on Skype. Stalk you soon, tehe!
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