
Ian and Lucky - at home

Christmas 2011
Thank you, Gormans!
'Your' Lucky is surely enjoying life on this side of the fence - and I love having him. :-)

UPDATE 2012: (Last 11 pix are Lucky really "at home"!)
THANK YOU to Morna, and Myra (neighbours) for looking after our pet while I visit USA for 7 weeks, Jul/Aug)


Dunedin Tournament - November 2011

Expected: 7.3 wins, Actual: 6 wins. _ Rating change: 16xx to 16xx  


 Opponent  (my)
My Score Opp.
 Diff.   My Bonuses  His/Her Bonuses
Cicely B ?? 1 W 396 341 +55 JASMINE PAINTER     -
Lynn W
??sss .2 W 383 320 +63 ENTRUST LOITERS     -
Karyn McD ?ssss ..3     L 372 538 -234JOHNNIE SMARTEN CARDIES BEERIER
Peter S ?s ...4     L 304 511 -207DEFIANT SERPENTS AERATION OVERLET
Val M ?s ....5     L 294 459 -165standin(bogus!) STONIER FAVORITE
   Cicely ss 6     L 268 543 -275 DENTALS TENTERS GLAIRED
   Lynn ??s.7 W 348 333 +15 INERTIAS FANCIERS
   Karyn s ..8     L 373 485 -112 TIARAED HINGERS OUTHUNTS RELINED
   Peter ??s ...9     L 372 421 -49 CREATION DINNERS PARTIES
   Val ?ss ....10     L 345 451 -106 PRETTIER AGILEST SHOALED
Cicely sss 11 W 392 356 +36 BIASSES REEDING SUETIER 
Lynn ?ss .12     L 363 442 -79 DOMAINS SHELTER
Karyn ??ssss!
..13 W 466 299 +167 UNPAIRED SEALING IMARETS     -
Val ?ss ....15

(Blog: in progress - more to come....)

Dunedin * 12-13 Nov, 2011
. NAME CLUB WINS Spread AVE Bonuses New NZ Rating
Rating Change
1 PETER Sinton DUN 12 1229 448 28

KARYN McD DUN 8 -418 378 16

VAL Mills AKL 7 252 392 19

4 LYNN Wood WGTN 7 -50 293 20

5 IAN Patterson DUN 6 -907 364 23

6 CICELY Bruce WHANG 5 -106 392 21

WARNING: Updating this page is still IN PROGRESS! . . . Ian - Wed 16/11/11

Game 1  CICELY Bruce (Whangarei, north of Auckland)
A delight to have three visitors from the northernmost club in the country to visit our tournament - the southernmost (probably in the WORLD!?!)
Cicely was an unknown quantity, but she was bottom seed - we'll see! 
I swapped 7 three times in the first 7 moves, but she wasn't scoring rapidly so when my bonus finally DID come I still got to a small lead. Then neck and neck till my AEIJMS? went down, hooking the blank (as N) in front of OUT - the only place. I didn't know NOUT, but it sounded possible, and fortunately (for me) her challenge failed.

Game 2  Lynn Wood (Wellington)
My 2 early bonuses meant she never got a look in (despite her nice MZEE for 45!)

Game 3  KARYN McDougall (Dunedin)
My first rack EHJNNO? had plenty of promise - I found the only bonus in there, which I by no means 'knew', but I thought worth a go. At first glance it seemed it couldn't fit down the side of her opening WETA, but then I realised this board had slightly smaller squares than the usual. They still accepted the same tiles, but I guess I've subconsciously learned the physical actual LENGTH of a 7-tile word, and this was suddenly different. Down went bonus, survived the challenge, but she immediately got one herself, followed by EX for 53, and I was playing catchup. Later I'd finally accumulated SMARTEN which got me within 40, but her instant response was a most unlikely BEERIER - not because of that word, but it FITTED on the only bonus place, needing FIVE overlaps. Durn lucky! GRRR. LOL 

Game 4  PETER Sinton (Dunedin)
Argghhhh. His 3 bonuses in the first 7 turns left me history. 

Game 4  VAL Mills (Pakuranga Club, Auckland)
Val is the relatively new NZASP President, making her first visit to a Dunedin event, where she was welcomed with pleasure.
I challenged off her 'enfuels' early, then on Turn 6 she played FENCE for 20, just one off the TWS line. I had ADINNT?, and didn't know D(E)NTINAl, consider maybe (FENCE)D/ADIT for 30, but then noticed sTANDIN. Hmmm, should be ok, so played it, for 84. Val flinched briefly, but accepted it. A couple of turns on she played DICKS onto the end of it, and I kinda joked to her that I'd love to challenge her (STANDIN)S off.
Only a joke, till later we both found STANDIN *IS* junk! In fact I could/should have played (FENCED)/DANTINg - but hey, I've never heard of danting, or even DANT!

Game 6  C i c e l y
After 7 turns I'd had 3 big swaps and 4 small plays, to trail by 43-192 (and she'd scored nothing over 40).  It never got much better! 
Game 7  L y n n
h o  Her early FANCIERS gave her a fair lead during most of the game, as I went fishing with AEIRS - a surplus AI was dumped, then 2 U's quickly back into the bag, then out pooped TWO Blanks!! The famine, then the feast!? LOL So I(N)ERtiAS got me almost level, and fortunately her tiles dried up there so I managed to sneak a win.

Game 8  K a r y n
3 S's, both blanks, 3 bonuses. How could *I* compete with that ? A loss. (But - aha - check out Game 13!!) 

Game 9  P e t e r
A fascinating tussle. Peter swapped tiles only 4 times during the tournament, and ALL in his first 7 turns here. Meanwhile I swapped 4 times too - as we'd made a prickly staircase which allowed a bonus ending with S, but not much else (and both of us loath to needlessly make any serious 'opening'). I had a blank, he had an S. I got to AEINOR? (if S, then it's 4th letter, not last) but then he played PARTIES. Sadly I missed AtRO(P)INE, AER(A)tION, ANORExI(A), AIRbO(R)NE, ANTE(R)IOr, and a few others, so settled for cREA(T)ION for a lowly 61. He then sailed ahead, and my late DiNNERS was truly only for consolation.

Game 10  V a l
Her SHOALED (yes, survived my challenge) late on gave her a 338-250 lead, but I sat with AEGILST. AGILEST was playable for 68, but leaving a large TWS on. Instead I opted for a 'safe' 65 with GLAI(K)ETS, that I thought might even earn me 5 extra points. Well, the first part of the plan worked - she challenged! I was somewhat surprised to find it not there, as I thought I knew GLAIKET. Turns out it's an adjective, meaning foolish. Oh well, NEXT turn down went AGILEST, to which she responded by TAXI for 52 (I SAID it left on a big TWS!)
Later turns out I should have known the other forms - AIGLETS would have been better (but still not WON by any means).

Game 11  C i c e l y
My 2nd rack: ABEISSS! There was no free T for BASSIEST, and I didn't know it also makes 8's with C(2), N, O, or R. Anyway, I was considering a SIS, an ASS (maybe a BASS?) when I noticed it DOES make a 7 (phew!) so down it went for 82. Despite 2 bonuses later, Cicely never recovered.

Game 12  L y n n
I began with AEIJNPS. JIN or JAP for 20 or 28 would leave a promising rack, but I chose to 'invest' my S early, with JEANS for 40. Lynn's first 3 turns then were QUARK(48), JOLTING(30), and sHELTER(86). As I then struggled I sank ever deeper, to eventually 209-321 (but a promising ADINOO? on board). Only one (very cheap) bonus spot on - and sadly I couldn't see / didn't know the one bonus I had there, so I made an OH into OHO one off the TWS line. Lynn chose to block the other spot, and bingo! I drew an M and whistled down onto (OHO)S. It survived her challenge, and I was basically level, but then a nasty EX for 59 sealed my fate.

Game 13  K a r y n
I got (U)NPAIRED first up (I could have played the only '7' in that lot, but chose not to as this scored better), then as she'd almost caught up again I got SEALInG, THEN drew 2 more S's! SEALING was one off the bottom line - I didn't know if it took an S, but I didn't want to find out the hard way, so I played a cheeky SODA alng the bottom there (stopping one short of the TWS!). She didn't challenge (SEALINGS IS ok) but next turn worked a treat YEAS onto (SODA)S yielded 51.
I soon got my 4th S, and IMARETS went onto the last bonus/S spot, then the last 5 tiles I drew included the 2nd blank - a clean sweep in that department! Poor Karen .... but hey, serves her right! (refer games 3 and 8 )

Game 14  P e t e r
Hooray - THIS game was "open"!  By turn 9 he was a bonus ahead, and I had AEEINRT. Neither TRAINEE or RETINAE would play, the OTHER option would have, but I couldn't think of it. IF I had I'd have almost caught up, but dumping an E (for another hook) was too slow, AND allowed Peter to grab 75 for a simple Z(O)IC onto a TWS. My (C)LARINET off that left me then STILL a bonus back, and so it stayed.
So - Peter's scored 3/3 against me this week. GRRRRRRR.

Game 15  V a l
Last chance saloon here - Peter's blitzed me, if I lose here so will Val have.
Turn 5 I had DEELSTU, which in fact makes one 7, but I didn't remember it. I was pleased though to string those 7 thru an I (and win a challenge) but then she drew level with her own bonus.
Now earlier she'd played a slightly odd(!?) NULL for 8, just one off the TWS line. I figured it would take an S, but I've long (mistakenly) thought 'nullo' was a word. ZORI/(NULL)O was 44, but only till she challenged it! :-( Maybe NOW I'll learn that nullo is bogus. (Actually we found later that NULL also takes an A. DOH!)
Anyway, tense until the last racks - she'd had to use her last S to keep pace with me, and now I had the last blank. WIsE/(YEST)s was 42 for a 31-point lead, and I could go out next turn for 9 in 2 places.
After much consideration of the options Val "had to" challenge YESTS or lose - sadly (for HER) she then lost anyway.

more to come in a day or two......... or 3....


Christchurch Tournament - October 2011

Expected: 4.2 wins, Actual: 8 wins. _ Rating change: 1525 to 1637  


Opponent  (my)
My Score Opp.
Diff. My Bonuses His/Her Bonuses
Murray sss  1


401 323 +78 genties(bogus!!) CURLIES    -
Selena ??ss  2 W 480 309 +171 UNCOATED FARRIER VAGINAE    -
Allie ?ss  5 W 373 321 +52 SORBENT SAUNTER
Shirley v E ss  6    L 296 381 -115   - BITSIER
Murray ss  8     L 329 437 -108 REFUTING WEANINGS RELUMES
Selena s  9 W381 351 +30 GRANDEES SECEDES
Blue ??ss  11     L 337 375 -38 DEPARTS ACETINS   -
Allie ss  12     L 295 395 -100 TREASON INANEST
Shirley v E ?ssss
Karyn ?s  14     L 333 535 -202 TREATIES ROARIEST

Seeded 8th out of 8, and needing only 4.2 wins out of 14, this was an ideal spot. And very nice to be able to visit Christchurch again, after the dreadful battering those folks have had.

The tournament venue, the Woolston Club, was absolutely glorious, and my accommodation at Haka Lodge ($26/night, just 10min walk away) was also very pleasant.

Guess I've been "unwinding" - last tournament I never even kept my scoresheets, let alone posting on a web page. THIS time I DID keep scores, but I decided to play faster - less time for thinking/sweating over turns, AND more time for smokes/breaks between games. Seems it worked wonders!

Game 1  Murray Rogers (Nelson)

Not one of Murray's better games! We both found out only long after the game that my 3rd turn 'genties' was garbage. I'm a bit rusty, and figured EEGINST was so good it MUST make SOMETHING, and genties seemed the only likely choice. But I was confusing with EEGINRT making GENTIER. Anyway, maybe too early in the day, but he allowed it. Tut tut!

A few turns later his TWS ReVENTE(D) would have drawn him level. I could see it also made (at least) VENTuRE(D) but I still felt a challenge was in order. Yay! off came his bonus - and the blank was finally played 8 turns later, for a paltry 16 at the  end of his bonusless game. 

He later said he'd had FeSTERE(D) the turn before his failed try, but hadn't seen it till after he'd dumped the FE somewhere.

Game 2  Selena Chan (Christchurch)

I  challenged off her first-turn speculative 'unbow', then later also 'vutties' that she'd had a vague idea might be ok. Meanwhile I got good tiles, and had a good run. :)

Game 3  John Baird (Christchurch)

Memorable!! He seemed to start with 'leath' that I'd never heard of, and didn't like. But then he continued, to add ER too. Well, I thought how can you be  a LEATHER if you can't even leath ?! But fortunately sanity prevailed and I begrudgingly allowed his 72, while I swapped 2. Oh dear, did he get lucky ? - drew ANODISE straight from the bag, for a 149-nil handy lead. Arghhhh

But, I hadn't swapped just to fill in time - I came up with HANDSoM(E) which left H between 2 TWSs, but I figured still a bonus behind I'd be needing an open board. I then drew EGIORSU, which I figured would go beautifully thru that H, but  hey, forget it - it wouldn't stay free.

Well, BLOW ME DOWN - what's he do next? - shoves down bonus #3 - GRAPIER, again just straight out of the bag! But really good for me, as he'd had to forgo the big H spot to get it - and also he'd had to hook it onto ANODISE - so I challenged off 'anodiser', THEN played my triple-triple for 167 - a lead of about 90 - and never looked back.

John later said a quiet GRAP(H) for 42 would have been infinitely better for him! LOL.

Game 4  Blue Thorogood (Christchurch)

After 9 turns I still led by 5, but that's  when my good tiles dried up, and he powered on to comfortably end 86 ahead. 

Game 5  Allie Quinn (Whangarei)

Great to have someone from the far north join us - and especially Allie who I last played at the Masters around 1990-ish.

A low-scoring and fairly uneventful game, but I was always reasonably ahead.

Game 6  Shirley van Essen (Christchurch)
Disaster! Fairly level midgame and my rack was building well toward a bonus. I dumped a surplus S with SNAG for 26, then drew Q, making EIQRSST. Durn, but Q(A)TS left a promising EIRS, and THAT'S when I accidentally overdrew. Shirley picked 2 tiles from my rack, and yes, one of them was my last S (after I'd just  carefully 'unloaded' 2 surplus ones!).

Game, set, match. :-( (And only game of tournament where I got NO bonuses. BooHoo)

Game 7  Karyn McDonald (Dunedin)

She bonused on Turn 1, but I did likewise on 3 AND 4 (including the only word that AEHOPST makes, which survived her challenge). A while later I played HAA - she wrote score down, I drew new tiles, then the penny dropped, and she said Challenge. I protested, and adjudicators sided with her - but they've since apologised, they got it WRONG. I think the rule says basically as soon as you've even STARTED to write opponent's score down you've waived your right to challenge.

Oh well, can't be helped. We carried and and she gradually got the upper hand, but she carelessly(?) left a huge bonus hook open, so at the last minute I obliged with RATINGS, catching her with CEFITY? for an extra 28 points (and surely a deserved win! lol)

So, Day  1  ended, and I had 5 wins, already over my total expectancy of 4.2 wins - roll on Sunday!

Game 8  Murray

Well, I gotta hand it to him - he caught me a beaut! I had an early bonus, then was glad to find the board becoming "bonus unfriendly". But he managed an unlikely WEANiN(G)S, which survived the challenge, then next turn he hooked RELUMEs onto the front of ECCO that he'd played earlier. I could barely believe it - SECCO!?? - and as bad or worse, RELUMES!??

I probably HAD known or seen S-ECCO once, but completely forgotten, and RELUMES I'm sure I'd never heard of (nor of plain 'lume'!) - so I jolly well challenged both. Hmmm, 10 more points for Murray, and game over.

The worst part is that I had BANGERS on my rack when he'd played ECCO, but I figured at that time there was no place.

He said afterward that he suspected I may not know S-ECCO (or R-ECCO) which is why he set that up. He wuz right!

 Game 9  Selena

Main point of interest was that I got 1  S, Selena got 3S's and both blanks - but - I got far 'luckier' tiles than she did! About halfway thru I realised there were only 3 E's to come, AND (hell!) there were SEVEN I's to come. Well, turns out from there on she got 5 of those horrible I's, and NO more E's - while I enjoyed a pleasant spread of 3 E's and a couple of I's. Those E's were well spent too: CHARGE-53, GRANDE(E)S-61, NEARLY-35. A comfortable win in the end, but understandably frustrating for Selena.

Game 10  John

He should be shot! Halfway thru, trailing by about  a bonus, he played EL(E)MENTS along the bottom row. As he played it I saw it was actually EL(E)EMNTS and was ready to strike, but HE noticed too, just in time, and corrected it. Fine ... no problem... but only much later in the game, during some casual reflection, I had to ask - WHY had he not played it as (E)LEMENTS to reach across from one TWS to the other ? That would have scored 83 instead of the 63 he actually got. (He can't answer that - just one of those 'blind' moments, I guess)

Later I was annoyed to find bLUDGER on my rack, but no places for 7's, only 8's. But then I was pleased to hit upon an 80-pointer using those tiles down from a free S, and that sealed the game.

Game 11  Blue

My 2nd ignominious "get sucked in" experience of the tournament. On turn 3 Blue played KORUN for 30, just one off the bottom row. Here I was sitting with ADPST?? (!) - which drove me half-crazy trying to find even one bonus, but I finally found DePArTS. But - would KORUN take an S ? I'd never heard of KORUN in my life, and I was quite doubtful that Blue would play it there if it did. But hey, had to take the gamble. Ulp, lost it. THEN Blue stuck something along there, making KORUN-A. Oh, nooooooooo - sure I know Koruna, Czech coins, from my stamp-collecting days! DOH - my departs would have fitted perfectly if only I'd placed it "right".

Game over.

Game 12  Allie

Her turn #2 was WILTeRs. I challenged. Off it came - but still depressing knowing she had 2 blanks! I then tried to make the board as prickly as possible for bonuses, and was delighted to actually hold her off for SIX turns, until finally INanEST came out. But during that time I'd swapped 3 times, and my other 5 turns were all under 20, so I was 100 behind. But MY bonus had finally arrived, sadly a low-scoring one, so I was almost back in the game. THEN I found QUAINT, with Q on a DLS and whole word doubled - for 50. But I noticed QUAINT could ALSO go elsewhere, as a TWS! A count showed this was 48, but I figured better to block the TWS spot rather than the other less dramatic place, so I did (vaguely noting as I did that if ever I got an LY I could extend it to the NEXT TWS for a zillion!)

Oh, what a BUFFOON - as shown when Allie whipped ER onto the end of my play (even before the ink was dry) for 51. If I hadn't made that blunder I still might well have lost, but I hate to just GIVE games away.

Game 13  Shirley v.E

4 S's and a blank helped me to an early lead, then she came up with VOLP(L)ANE. "WHAT?" I thought. What kind of kinky word is THAT supposed to be. Off to the challenge table like a shot - and, oops, back again as if I'd BEEN shot. I asked her later - I think she said that's a "normal" word (i.e. not a kooky "Scrabble" word as such). Well, I can only say her 'normal' aint the same as MY 'normal'. 

Anyway, game went down to the wire, with the difference in single figures for the last few turns. Near the end I had EIINT, and I figured she KNEW I had those, as she (like most in A-Grade) tile tracks. She had 4 tiles, but I had no idea what they were (though not S, blank, QZXJ). Scarey! ..... I still had plenty of time, and considered a quick tile count, but hey, couldn't be bothered.... so I just did my best with what *I* had, and that actually turned out sufficient.

Game 14  Karyn

She began with RALLIES. Well, often one can overcome an early bonus, but I guess MORE often one can't. I didn't. Never got a look in. IF I'd settled for "losing by a small margin" I might have almost finished the tournament in 2nd place, on spread, but I deliberately ignore 'spread' - WINS are all I'm ever after, and this sure wasn't one!

So, happy with my 8 wins - interestingly none against Blue (neither did anyone ELSE against him either), 2 each against Selena and John (who finished in the bottom 2 spots), and split 1-1 with the other 4 players.

Upper case = valid words, lower case = crookies

MY words challenged: ORFS REDUIT TEASHOP BORONS - ork yoda drut haa refutings koruns unciates owf teniates vaner*

OPPONENTS' words challenged by me: URES REO ENES BITSIER* REPLATED WEANINGS SECCO RELUMES BOHO VOLPLANE GRAPIER* ROARIEST* - revented unbow vutties anodiser wilters  

MY boguses NOT challenged: genties poofed

OPPONENTS' boguses NOT challenged: duat

* shows words/challenges made under special circumstances, e.g. desperation!
Christchurch * 29-30 October, 2011
. NAME CLUB WINS Spread AVE Bonuses New NZ Rating
Rating Change
1 BLUE Thorogood CHC 14 1677 469 331976+46
2 ALLIE Quinn WHA 8 194 391 211724-11
3 IAN Patterson DUN 8 -40 384 21(25!)1637+112
4 MURRAY Rogers NEL 7 -199 374 101693-31
5 SHIRLEY van Essen CHC 6 -321 373 151620-6
6 KARYN McDonald DUN 5 -129 395 181553+18
7 JOHN Baird CHC 5 -435 362 151626-69
8 SELENA Chan CHC 3 -747 366 151511-59

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